Thursday, June 6, 2013

More "First Minnesota at Gettysburg" painting details.

As promised, here are a few close-up images of the painting in progress.

This shows Colonel William Colvill,  several paces behind the National Colors, about to give the order to "Charge Bayonets". He will be struck by two bullets within a few minutes. The 11th Alabama Regiment can be seen crossing Plum Run Creek in the background, and some of it's men are firing at or turning away from the advancing Minnesotans.  Since this was shot, I have added several more Confederates.

The 8th and 10th Alabama approach Plum Run Creek.

Even MORE Confederates, this time men of the 14th Alabama cross the knocked down, snake rail fence bordering a large wheatfield.

I continue to add more figures and refine the details of the landscape.  Stay tuned - this baby has to be done by mid June.

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